August 16, 2021

The next two books in Tales from Cat Town .. Children’s Book Series. Will cover the main and worrying crisis that is hanging over us all. Nothing else matters or comes close. This will trump all other problems if Climate Change is not addressed immediately. Most governments around the globe are starting to realise this….

July 19, 2021

The other main reason for penning The Tales From Cat Town. Was my son’s experience with a cat he shared a house with called Jack. He was a Bengal but not a pedigree but he could have easily passed as one. A very handsome Cat.  My son is a Cat lover he has grown up…

June 24, 2021

The idea of writing the Tales from Cat Town book series came from sitting in Cat Town watching cats. As I grew up there has always been cats in my life. Even more so with the other members of the Cat Town team. For me, it’s all a learning process when it comes to what…